All of the major international and national channels of communication wrote about SAIE : Dire Bologna, Ansa, Agi; local and national newspapers, Il Resto del Carlino, Corriere Bologna, Repubblica Bologna, Il Sole 24 ore, Edilizia e Territorio, Casa 24 Plus, La Repubblica Affari & Finanza, Il Messaggero and La Stampa Tutto Green; specialized magazines such as Arketipo, Casa & Clima, Ingenio-web, Edilportale, Monitor Immobiliare, Ingegneri info, Infobuild, Bim Portale, Imprese edili, Serramenti news. In addition to TV services and interviews, among others Rai 3 TGR Emilia-Romagna, Sky Tg24, Telesanterno, Radio Bruno. Minister Toninelli’s visit gave further visibility to the fair on all the main national media.
Visibility on social media
The social numbers also bear witness to the great interest that SAIE 2018 has been able to inspire. Over 37 thousand people reached and almost 20 thousand interactions for the Facebook account @SAIEBolognaFiere; over 79 thousand views for the twitter account @SAIEBologna with the #SAIE and # SAIE2018. On the occasion of Minister Toninelli’s visit, the twitter account recorded the peak of views, reaching 30 thousand.