There are products that simplify processes, reduce processing times or require an accurate explanation of the use process. SAIE special initiatives meet these needs and promote applicative products and solutions by telling the story of real-life projects, with the participation of suppliers, designers, clients and installers.
An iconographic account is developed, with models, cross-sections, products, as part of an architectonic project, supported by a programme of interventions providing an effective description of the presented project. The exhibition of products and numerous special initiatives means that technicians can gain first-hand experience of applicative solutions.
Demonstration courts, courses and technology spot-lights for a unique visitor experience. Numerous initiatives dedicated to individual sectors will be developed, to enhance the participation of exhibitors through the 4 thematic paths of SAIE 2022:
SAIE Infrastrutture
A thematic focus in which, thanks to the collaboration with strategic business partners and sector associations, the excellence of Italian projects in this area and the most important issues of the moment will be shown.
Concrete floors and Screeds Forum
Conpaviper in collaboration with Senaf organizes the 3rd edition of the Concrete floors and screeds Forum SAIE Bologna 2022
SAIE InCalcestruzzo/Concrete
The national event dedicated to the innovation of the concrete supply chain, involving all actors who use concrete in construction.
Piazza SIG – Società Italiana Gallerie/Tunneling
An initiative that enhances the tunneling supply chain, with contents and presentation of products, projects and case histories of excellence on strategic topics for the tunneling sector coordinated by SIG, and with the participation of infrastructure managers, engineering companies and construction companies entrusted with the work.
Gruppo FS con Italferr, FRI, Anas
The Railway Group of the Italian State will exhibit in SAIE with RFI – Italian Railway Net and ITALFERR. The Convention on the “current status” of high-speed train Naples-Bari
Cantiere Sostenibile AIS
SAIE Sustainability
SAIE dedicates an in-depth study to the theme of sustainability, the leitmotif of many special initiatives in the program, which will provide visiting professionals with an overview of the most effective and innovative solutions in the world of construction and construction, to protect health and improve well-being. indoor and the built environment in all its parts.
Piazza Edifici e Salubrità/Building and health
Piazza Edifici e Salubrità is the special initiative which, in synergy with the thematic study planned for the world of PLANTS, will provide visiting professionals with an analysis on regulatory obligations and an overview of the most effective solutions to protect health and improvement of the comfort of those who live and work inside closed spaces.
Piazza Impianti e Salubrità/Plant Engineering and health
The initiative of SAIE dedicated to the companies of the “plant enginnering sector” wishing to show products and solutions of excellence for the healthiness and comfort of buildings: systems able to guarantee an optimal internal microclimate, a good air and water quality; solutions for proper air exchange and the reduction of humidity and CO2; silent and efficient products.
SAIE Impianti/Plant Engineering
The plant engineering is the element that gives life to the “built” and is therefore an essential part of a single set integrated with the construction processes. The integration of building-plant was created to meet the latest market needs in terms of air conditioning, hydro-sanitary, electrical engineering, building automation and lighting technology in order to implement the building/ plant integration.
SAIE Serramenti/Doors and windows
The initiative enhances the best of the production of those who work in the sector dedicated to the world of doors, windows, fixtures and related technological solutions.
Finiture Tecniche e Colori/Technical Finish and Colors
The area where companies producing resins, mortars, dry systems and paint products meet professionals of the construction industry. The aim is to give visibility to finishing and coating techniques, technologies and application processes, material and aesthetic effects.
Piazza dell’Alluminio in Edilizia by Metef/Aluminum in Construction
Aluminum in Construction is the new special initiative organized by METEF (The technology fair for the aluminum, foundry and innovative metals industry) to offer a complete overview of the most innovative solutions and uses of aluminum in construction.
Piazza del Costruire a Secco/Dry construction
Area where companies can concretely demonstrate how to design, install, maintain dry construction solutions. The focus is on dry building and its advantages. and renovation.
Piazza Sismica con ISI
Cantiere Sostenibile con AIS
SAIE Human values at the center
SAIE focuses on the person and the development of the skills of operators in the building and construction sector. Thanks to the collaboration with strategic business partners, training schools, associations, we will organize demonstration and training sessions and awards of excellence in the building sector in Italy
Cassa Edile Awards with CNCE
The annual award of the building societies’ system which gives value to the enterprises, workers and advisor, with positive values for the bilateral system of the Constructions.
EdilTrophy with FORMEDIL
Back to SAIE the competition , born in 2008 from the collaboration between FORMEDIL (National Agency for Training in Construction), SAIE and IIPLE, Bologna Building School. A tournament of masonry art that involves the best Italian building schools.
The national final of Ediltrophy will take place within SAIE on the morning of Saturday 22 October 2022, after which by the winners of the category junior (apprentices) and senior (masters) will be awarded.
Contest Instagram “The beauty of calcestruzzo””
Photographic contest with which SAIE wants to enhance and celebrate the important role of concrete as an aesthetic and/ or structural element, its essential role in our society and in the “sustainable world” of the future.
Special Area with AIMI
AIMI (Associazione Italiana Mainterers and Installers) takes part in SAIE presenting the technology for the renovation of chimneys, single fireplaces and technical slots. A space in which will also be presented seismic products useful to create a safe gas domestic system in the renovation and construction of new buildings.
CNA demonstration area – Installation and system
CNA Lombardia with TTR Institute and in collaboration with several technical important partners of the plant supply chain inaugurated in September 2021, an educational laboratory designed to provide practical training to companies in the thermohydraulic and electrical (photovoltaic) sector, installers and maintainers. The headquarters of the Academy is in Busto Arsizio in the province of Varese.
The project realized by CNA Varese, aims to give value to professionalism and above all to the invaluable manual skills of operators to increase their competitiveness on the market and equip them with the necessary tools to face new challenges and consequently guarantee quality, efficiency and safety to their customers.
Area Windows and doors laying
Area Tiles of large dimensions laying
Area Resin floors laying
SAIE Innovation
SAIE wants to focus on the importance and the need to promote innovation in the construction sector, dedicating to this theme a real focus, combining history and emerging innovations in this area with regard to digitalization, technological innovations within the construction site and digital transformation. A concept of innovation all round, involving the new technologies and new processes, but also the know-how sharing.
An exhibition area dedicated to the themes of digitalization and BIM, with the participation of companies coordinated by ASSOBIM. ASSOBIM and its members will manage a range of technical insights to promote the BIM culture.
Among the relevant topics: the integration between BIM and the advanced technologies of survey and data processing; Bim for the project computation ; the interoperability between different software platforms; BIM for the design: infrastructural, plant engineering, structural and architectural.
Group exhibition IBIMi buildingSMART
An area within SAIE where you can meet the openBIM community. IBIMI (Institute for BIM Italy) will deepen the impact that the implementation of an OpenBIM methodology can have on all the professionals involved in the sector.
The State Property Management Agency
The State Property Management Agency, leader in the BIM sector among Public Administrations, will participate in SAIE within with a Special Area dedicated to the themes of BIM, the “Digital Heritage” and the enhancement of the State buildings, to show the digitization of the building process, and to present initiatives and projects of the Agency dedicated to BIM together with their protagonists.
SAIE Macchine/Machines
It focuses on technological innovations within the construction site and encourages the relationship between man and machine, facilitating the daily work of professionals and making it more performing.
We will focus also on issues like electrification of vehicles and their sustainability.
Contest BIM&Digital with CLUST-ER
The competition promoted by Clust-ER Build in collaboration with SAIE to have an overview of innovation and digital transformation of the built environment. The main aim of the award is to raise awareness of projects and works that join digital innovations (BIM but not only BIM); reward industrial and university research and designers, companies, start-ups, companies that have promoted new digital tools for the built environment.